Linen Label/Our Story/Giving Back

As a young child growing up in rural country New South Wales sitting with my mum at the sewing machine I knew I wanted to be part of the fashion industry. After completing school in Albury I moved to Sydney to study fashion Design at university and after completing my degree I applied my qualifications in the fields of Design and garment product development for various companies and brands over the next 20 years. I was very fortunate to have my career take me around the world.

As much as I enjoyed my role and the fast pace of Sydney life and the fashion industry over time my career-driven mentality began to shift focus towards having a family of my own.

However this was easier said than done and I struggled to conceive with over four years of heartbreak and six rounds of failed IVF and various other treatments, the feeling of not being able to make my body do something that was meant to come naturally was overwhelming and soon consumed my life.

I couldn't even look at a baby without holding back tears let alone hold a good friend's newborn baby in my arms, it was truly heartbreaking.

So many people experience pregnancy loss or difficulties in conceiving or the long road of IVF, I found this time in my life so very isolating and felt like I had very few people to turn to for support that truly understood.

I am now very open about my journey and a firm believer in talking openly to ease the overwhelming burden. Finding the right people to talk to about these very hard and sometimes very personal times in our life is not always easy and this is why I truly believe in foundations like The Pink Elephants Support Network.

We will be giving back a percentage of sales to The Pink Elephants Support Network and other like minded not-for-profit companies like these as they are so important in helping support and empower one another in whatever our journeys may be and spread the word that we are not alone. 

Also, you may be wondering how my journey turned out…. I am now so very blessed to be a busy mother of two beautiful, independent little women. 

We now live on the South Coast of NSW with an ever so slightly slower pace of life.

After two years of development, children and just life, I am so excited to finally be bringing you Linen Label, I hope you can feel the love and humble beginnings that have gone into our small family-owned business.